
152 morts…but business is business

Après le crash du 16 août 2005…où 152 passagers originaires de Martinique ont trouvé la mort, Wikileaks mentionne dans un câble US l’opportunité pour la France d’accélérer les échanges commerciaux avec Hugo Chavez (Armes, Avions, transport, pièces détachées, échanges d’étudiants…). Sans commentaire mais comment taire ?
(C) France sees no downside for now in pushing its 
economic interests over human rights and other 
considerations, especially since U.S.-Venezuelan tensions 
offer possibilities for new sales.  We thus can expect the 
French to continue to pursue investment and arms sales 
opportunities.  French toughness on Iran is more a reflection 
of its own involvement in the EU3 negotiations than its 
concerns about Venezuela per se.  The only surprise was just 
how warmly Chavez seems to have been welcomed.  Pinard 
attributed this to a friendship that has developed between 
members of the GoF and Chavez, as well as genuine 
appreciation for Venezuelan assistance following the deaths 
of 162 French passengers of an airliner that crashed in 
Venezuela over the summer.  There are also personal factors: 
Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin spent part of his 
childhood in Venezuela, and Chavez's back-slapping, 
"Caribbean" expansiveness is a match for Chirac's, according 
to Pinard.